Korba: A young man died due to electrocution. The accident happened while working in the field in Jilga village. The marriage of the deceased was only a few years. The matter belongs to Shyang police station area.
According to the information, the youth Dev Prasad had gone to work in the farm on the banks of the Rathiya river. While returning from work at around 3 am, he saw a fallen electric wire on the way. While lifting it to the shore, he got electrocuted and died on the spot.
On seeing the passers-by, it was informed to the Shyang police station. Where station in-charge Aditya Kumar reached the spot and took stock and sent the dead body for postmortem. Station in-charge told that when, how and for what reason the deceased died, it would be known only after the post mortem report. Deceased Dev Prasad was the younger of two brothers and had been married only a few years. After this incident, the family members are in bad condition by crying.