Bilaspur. In the district, the case of sale of fertilizers at a rate higher than the fair price by some fertilizer vendors had come to the fore. Taking cognizance on which the Director of Agriculture Department, Directorate of Agriculture Ch. Raipur Divisional Joint Director Agriculture Bilaspur and Deputy Director Agriculture Bilaspur were directed to form a joint team and take immediate action.
After the formation of the team on the orders of Bilaspur Collector, inspection was done in the establishments of various fertilizer vendors on Monday. In which raids were conducted at M/s Kaushik Krishi Kendra, Hardikala. In which action was taken to ban the sale due to incomplete record maintenance and bill book not being found correct. After this inspection was done by the team at M/s Krishak Sathi located in Shanichari. In which urea was found to be sold at a higher rate than the prescribed price, as well as it was unable to present the necessary documents of the godown of the institute. On which action was taken by the team to seal the sale and storage place of M/s Krishak Saathi. Messrs Vasundhara Krishi Sansar, located in Shanichari itself, was also inspected. Where without Fertilizer Sales (POS) I.D. K Urea was found selling in open bags. Along with this, organic fertilizers were being sold without including the source certificate in the license.