Possibility of increase in respiratoryinfections amid cold in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: The inclement weather coupled with severe cold in Hyderabad and surrounding areas has created ideal conditions for the circulating virus to flourish and trigger viral infections. Public health officials in Hyderabad said that due to the current climatic conditions, an increase in bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract is also possible. Due to the current climatic conditions, the public in general should focus on taking precautionary measures, as the winter is expected to continue till February this year. Doctors said common diseases that need attention during this period include seasonal flu, upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, asthma and ongoing influenza infection. “Patients with co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney and cardiovascular diseases are particularly vulnerable during this part of the year. Getting a flu vaccine is usually recommended to prevent upper respiratory tract infections. However, in these situations, it is very important to exercise caution”, says Dr Mehboob Khan, superintendent of the government’s Thorax Hospital. asthma It is well known that cold and dry air during winter season can trigger asthma attacks. In asthma patients, the lining of the airways gets stretched, causing them to narrow. The accumulation of mucus or phlegm also blocks the respiratory tract, making it difficult to breathe and making it difficult for asthma patients to breathe. In winter, cold air constricts the respiratory tract even more, making breathing even more difficult. Due to its chronic nature, asthma requires long-term treatment and inhalers play a major role in living a healthy life with asthma.