Although many fasts are celebrated in Hinduism and every festival has its own importance, but the fast of Kalashtami is considered very special, which is dedicated to the worship of the fierce form of Lord Shiva. Kalashtami fast is observed every month. According to the Panchang, now the month of Shravan is going on and on the Ashtami date of the Krishna Paksha of this month, Kalashtami fast will be worshipped.
Which is falling on July 9 this time, this day is considered best for worshiping Lord Kalabhairav. On this day, devotees keep fast and worship the Lord according to the rules and regulations. It is believed that by doing this all kinds of sorrows end. But at the same time, if the praise of Lord Bhairav is recited in Kalashtami Puja, then all the wishes of the devotees are fulfilled and they are blessed with happiness, prosperity and success, so today we have brought for you the complete Shri Bhairav Praise text.
Shri Bhairav Stuti-
Yaksharupam Dashadishividitam Bhumikampayamanam.
San Sanharmurti Shirmukutjatashekharam Chandrabimbam.
Dand dand dand dandhellakayam deformity
Pm Pm Ppapanasham Pranamat Satanam Bhairavm Kshetrapalam.
र र र रक्तवर्णं कटिकितितणं तिष्णकदंष्ट्रकारालं।
घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घ घर घोरनादम्।
कं कं कं कालपाशं ध्रिकध्रिकध्रिकितं ज्वालितं कामदेहं।
तं तं दिव्यदेहं प्रणमत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम्।
Ll Ll Ll Vdant L L L L Lalit long tongued.
Dhum Dhum Dhum Dhumravarnam Sphutvikatmukh Bhaskaram Bhimrupam.
Run Run Run Rundamalam Ravitamaniyatam Tamranetram Karalam.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I bow down to you.
Vam Vam Vayuvegam Natjanasaday Brahmaparam Param Tan.
Khadgahastan Tribhuvannilayam Bhaskaram Bhimrupam.
Chan cha cha cha chalitwa chalchalchalit chalitam bhumichakram.
Mam Mam Mam Mayiroopam Pranamat Satatam Bhairam Kshetrapalam.
शं शं शं शंखहस्तं शिशिकरध्वलं मोक्षसपूर्णतेजं।
Mam ma ma ma mahantan kulamkulkulam mantraguptam sunityam.
Yam Yam Yam Bhootnatham Kilikilikilitam Balkelipradhan.
अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं अं प्रणामत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम्।
खं खं खडगभेदं विशममृत्मयं कालकालं करालं।
क्षम क्षम क्षम क्षिप्रवेगं धहधहधहनं तप्तसंदीप्यमानम्।
Yes, yes, the sound of hollering is revealed, the thunderous earth quakes.
Bam Bam Bam Balleelam Pranamat Satanam Bhairam Kshetrapalam.
San San San Siddhiyogam Sakalgunmakham Devdevam Prasannam.
Pm Pm Pm Padmanabhan Hariharmayan Chandrasuryagninetram.
Ai Aishwaryanath Satabhayaharam Purvadev Swarupam.
Crying, crying, Raudrarupam Pranamat Satanta Bhairam Kshetrapalam.
Haan Haan Haansayan Hapitkalahkan Muktyogattahasan.
Dhan Dhan Dhan Netrarupam Shirmukutjatabandhabandhagrahastam.
टिं टिं टिं टिंकरनादं त्रिदशलतलतं कामवर्गपहारं।
भ्रं भ्रं भ्रं भूतनाथं प्रणामत सततं भैरवं क्षेत्रपालम्।
Ityevam Kamyuktam Prapathati Niyanta Bhairavasyashtakam yo.
Nirvighnam dukhnaasham surbhayaharanam Dakinishakininam.
नश्येद्विव्याघ्रसर्पौ हुतवह्सलिले रय्याशंस्य शूनिं।
Sarva nashyanti duran vipad iti bhrisham chintanatsarvasiddhim.
Bhairavasyashtakamidam Shanmasamyah Pathenar.
Sa Yaati Param Sthanam Yatra Devo Maheshwar.