A buffalo was recently seen being fed on by terrapins. The buffalo is standing in a water body and it seems it knowingly allowing the terrapins to feed. The video has gone viral on social media.
Instagram user ‘Nature Is Metal’ shared the video to Instagram merely 3 days ago, and within these couple of days it has grabbed more than 91k likes.
In the caption the user has explained what is going on and that is really interesting. The buffalo is standing in a water hole while allowing the terrapins to feed on it. Normally, when a big herbivores animal visits a mud wallow, terrapins usually pick off and eat ticks from the wallowing animals’ bodies. However, in this video, it seems the buffalo cow has suffered some kind of wound in her belly that looks like an abscess that has burst. However, she don’t seems to be in pain due to the terrapins. Rather it has been speculated that the animal was there so that the injured flesh (part of the abscess) could be eaten by the terrapins so that the chance of another infection is less.
The caption reads, “This is a buffalo cow. Standing in a watering hole being fed on by terrapins and letting it happen. In fact, I think she was there with the intention of finding the terrapins…”
No buffalo or terrapins were harmed, confirmed in the caption.
The post has received a number of interesting comments.
“In case you’re too lazy to google, they’re like snapping turtles. You’re welcome,” commented a user.
“It’s kind of amazing how animals just know this is the right thing to do. No biology classes or google searches, they just know,” another comment reads.
Yet another commented, “Lol Looks like They’re genuinely enjoying that meal.”
Another user commented, “Hi I’m calling to see if I can get a 10am appointment to get an abscess eaten off. It’s clear? Thank god! See ya then!”
Another user exclaimed, “Omg at first I thought they were nursing from the buffalo and it was infected ducts wow that’s nuts.”