Telangana: The central government has praised the rural nature forests implemented by the government in Telangana. Similar to Telangana, it has been suggested that other states should also implement it. It is commendable to establish rural nature forests in every village like a park. Niti Aayog has already defended rural nature forests and recently officials of Central Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department have praised them. At the recent Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Department Performance Review Committee (PRC) meeting held in Delhi, the state officials gave a PowerPoint presentation on rural nature forests in Telangana on the instructions of Union Rural Development Department Secretary Shailesh Kumar Singh and other senior officials.
Officials of other states who listened attentively to this presentation were full of praise. Central officials said that the rural nature forest policy undertaken by Telangana is good, and to implement the same policy in the entire country, they have given a power point presentation to create awareness among the officials of other states. Already, NITI Aayog has also said that it has appreciated the rural nature forests. Speaking on this occasion, the top officials of the State Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department reminded that the report of Forest Survey of India stated that green cover has increased by 7.7% after the formation of Telangana state.
He said that in the new Panchayat Raj Act, 10% of funds must be spent on greenery. It was explained that the funds contributed a lot to plant breeding, rural nature forests and the creation of large rural nature forests. He said that before the formation of Telangana state, there were only 1,004 nurseries, but now there are nurseries in 12,769 gram panchayats, one for each gram panchayat. He explained that programs such as door-to-door distribution of fruit plants and planting of saplings on both sides of the roads have been undertaken. He said that walking area, open gyms, playground for children and rural forests have been arranged for recreation.
After the completion of rural nature forests, it was revealed that Brihat Palle Nature Forests are also being established. He said that BPVs have been set up in five to 10 acres of land at the rate of five per mandal. It was explained that a total of 2,735 BPVs have been set up in 6,297 acres in the state. It was revealed that the donors from the respective villages had provided benches for sitting in the natural forests of the village and equipment for the children to pray. He appreciated that the public representatives also acted actively.