Raipur. The daughters of labourer families in the state are realizing their dreams by marching on the path of success. The Mukhyamantri Noni Sashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana is proving helpful in providing quality education to the daughters of the labourers. The assistance received under the scheme has boosted their self-confidence. The Chhattisgarh Government led by Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel, is implementing schemes for the welfare of every section of society. One such scheme is the ‘Mukhyamantri Noni Sashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana’, which aims to provide financial assistance for education, employment, and marriage for daughters belonging to labourer families.
Mrs. Madhuri Gupta, a resident of the Dhamtari district who works as a daily wage labourer, has always aspired that her children receive a quality education, as she appreciates the value of a good education. Madhuri experienced several difficulties after her husband’s health deteriorated. However, she did not give up and took on the responsibility of educating her children. As a parent, Madhuri tried her hardest to fulfill her responsibilities and to teach her children to confront every challenge in life with determination. She worked hard to support her family while encouraging her children to study. Soon after learning about the Mukhyamantri Noni Sashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana, she applied for it. With the financial assistance received under the scheme, she educated her daughter in the 12th grade and is continuing her higher studies at ITI.
It is worth mentioning that for a better implementation of the Mukhyamantri Noni Sashaktikaran Sahayata Yojana in the district, financial assistance of nearly 3 crores 99 lakh rupees was provided to 1,999 beneficiaries.