Raipur. The youth of the capital demonstrated demanding the cancellation of the Sub Inspector recruitment examination held during the tenure of Congress’s Baghel government. These youth marched on foot to the Collectorate and handed over the demand letter in the SSP office. In their hands were posters with slogans like cancel the sub inspector recruitment of the corrupt Bhupesh government, do justice to the poor students, and the High Court has called the recruitment an anomaly. It was also written that Bhupesh Sarkar has sold the posts of Sub Inspector for Rs 25 lakh each.
On Sunday, the youth of Bilaspur have set out on a tricolor march to the capital, demanding release of the results of this recruitment. He says that the process of recruitment examination is about to complete 6 years. All the stages of this recruitment have been completed, the final result/selection list is yet to come. This recruitment has seen the tenure of 3 governments, candidates are running from pillar to post for the result.