Mandi: Dr. Mrityunjay Doddamani, Faculty, IIT Mandi, was felicitated by Prof. JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. Satish Dhawan State Award for Young Engineers has been awarded. The award was given by the Karnataka State Council of Science and Technology (KSCST), Department of Electronics, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka.
Basavaraj S. Bommai, Chief Minister, Government of Karnataka Bharat Ratna Prof. CNR Rao, FRS, Linus Pauling Research Professor, Honorary President, JNCASR and Dr. C.N. Presented State Awards to eminent scientists and engineers in the presence of Mr. Ashwath Narayan, Minister of Higher Education, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Electronics, Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and Livelihood, Government of Karnataka, and other dignitaries were present.
The Prof. Satish Dhawan Award carries a cash prize of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh), a memento and a citation. This annual award is given to engineers under the age of 50 who have made outstanding contributions in the field of engineering science. For young engineers Prof. The Satish Dhawan State Award is a prestigious recognition for young scientists who have made significant contributions in the field of engineering.
This annual award is given to Dr. Mrityunjay Doddamani in the category ‘Engineering Science’ in recognition of the outstanding contribution made by him in the state of Karnataka. The award carries a State Medal certificate along with a cash prize of Rs.
Talking about the award, Dr. Mrutyunjay Doddamani, Associate Professor, School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering said, “I am humbled and grateful to receive the award in the presence of Bharat Ratna Prof. CNR Rao and this award is a tribute to our There is a great identity for Contribution to engineering science.