Bhadrak: In a shocking incident, there was firing at train in Odisha near Bhadrak on Tuesday in the afternoon hours said reliable reports.
According to reports, the guard of the 12816 Nanadankanan Express (Anand Vihar- Puri Express) reported an incident that the window of the guard van was hit with something piercing through it.
As per the reports, the incident took place in the Bhadrak- Baudpur section of Odisha. No one has been hurt. Further reports say that, the RPF staff secured the train and escorted the train upto Puri.
The train was enroute from Delhi to Puri. The matter is now under investigation by the GRP (Government Railway Police). Further detailed reports awaited in this regard.
It is yet to be ascertained why the firing took place and who was the target of the firing.