Raigarh: On the instructions of SSP Sadanand Kumar, in order to take action against the sale of illegal liquor, the Kotwali police, under the leadership of police station in-charge Kotwali Inspector Shanip Ratre, on the informer’s information, conducted a liquor raid near 18 drain on Raigarh-Punjipathra road and arrested a person on foot by keeping liquor in a sack. Was caught while going towards Kapitalpathra.
Police station in-charge Kotwali had received information from the informer that Golu Yadav, a resident of village Lakha, buys liquor from Raigarh and sells it illegally in Kapitpathra area. The police station in-charge had deployed his staff and informers to catch the suspect Golu Yadav with liquor, on which yesterday, on the information of the informer, the suspect Golu Yadav was raided and caught with 72 pav of country plain liquor worth ₹ 5,760 inside the sack. It was recovered after duly confiscation of accused Golu Yadav, father Antram Yadav, age 24 years, resident of Bodsara police station, Jaijaipur district, Sakti hall, Lakha police station, Kotwali district, Raigarh, today judicial action was taken under Section 34(2), 59 (a) of the Excise Act. Has been sent on remand. Head constable Hemant Patre, constable Jagmohan Ogre and Uttam Sarathi were involved in the liquor raid under the leadership of police station in-charge inspector Shanip Ratre.
Today, under the leadership of TI Shanip Ratre, Assistant Sub Inspector Dilip Behera, constable Komal Tiwari, Sushil Minj, lady constable Kasturi Rathiya conducted a raid as part of a campaign on information about sale of illegal liquor in the area, in which Mayank was arrested near Station Road Mall Dhakka. Sidar alias Satyam father Lakshmi Sidar age 32 years resident 13 pav country liquor (Mashaala) from near Jailpara Raigarh, Samreen Sarathi husband Vijay Sarathi resident near Badpara bridge 12 pav country liquor from near Chandni Chowk Raigarh Plain and accused near Dhangardipa Tiraha Kishan Dewangan, father Sadhram Dewangan, age 32 years, resident of Dhangardipa, 11 pav of country made plain and country liquor Mashala has been seized. In this way, 36 pav liquor worth ₹ 3,360 has been seized from three accused and three separate cases of Excise Act have been registered against the accused, action against illegal liquor is going on in the district.