Lakhimpur: With the onset of rainy season, the spawning or breeding season of all types of fish has started in the water bodies. Despite such circumstances, fishing using small, fine mesh nets continues unabated in Lakhimpur district, which is against the provisions of the Assam Fisheries Rules, 1953 (as amended from time to time).
Keeping this in view and in pursuance of the letter No. AFL.332/2023-24/22, dated 01/04/2024 received from the District Fisheries Development Officer, presented with the request to impose ban on catching and killing of brood fish Is. of certain species in any declared fishery specified under Rule 23-A(1) and Rule 23-A(2) and nets specified under Rule 23(1) and Rule 23(2) of the Assam Fisheries Rules, 1953 Lakhimpur District Magistrate-cum-District Commissioner Gayatri Devidas Hayalinge, IAS, has imposed a ban on fishing in the district by imposing prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the CrPC.
In the order issued vide number E-12675/DFA/227331 dated 02/05/2024, the use of borjal, mahajal or fasijal or any type of net with mesh less than 7 cm bar/14 cm mesh was banned with immediate effect. Is. From 1 April to 15 July – Catching of brood fish (fish carrying eggs and sperm) of species like Rahu, Katla (Bahu), Mrigal, Mali (Kalbasu), Chithal, Khariya, Pithiya (Mahasol), Ghariya and Kurhi. Gonias) has also been banned with immediate effect from May 1 to July 31. The order bans catching and killing of fish in any manner for any purpose including consumption or sale of undersized fish of many species like Rahu, Katla (Bahu). ), Mrigal, Chithal, Khariya, Pithiya (Mahasol), Ghariya less than 23 cm in length and Mali (Kalbasu), Gonia, Kurhi, Bhangan less than 10 cm in length from 1 August to 31 October.