Uttarakhand. The annual examination calendar issued by the Commission was reviewed today on May 4, 2023, by the Chairman of the Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Dr. Rakesh Kumar, and after detailed discussions, several important decisions were taken, regarding which Dr. Kumar informed that The result of Junior Assistant Exam-2022 under various departments will be declared in the first week of May, 2023. Under the Forest Department, the result of Forest Constable Exam-2022 will be declared in the second week of May, 2023.

Under the Police Department, the final selection result of Police Constable/PAC//IRC/Fireman Exam-2022 will be declared in the third week of May, 2023. The result of the Divisional Inspector (Technical) Preliminary Examination-2022 under the Transport Department will be declared in the third week of May, 2023. The final selection result of Revenue Sub-Inspector (Patwari/Lekhpal) Exam-2022 under Revenue Department will be declared in the last week of May, 2023.
Uttarakhand Judicial Service (Civil Judge) Preliminary Examination-2023 which has been successfully conducted on April 30, 2023 at various examination centers of the state amidst tight security, the result of the said examination will also be declared in the last week of May, 2023. being ensured. It is being ensured that the result of Uttarakhand Under Subordinate (Lower PCS) Main Examination-2022 will be declared in the third week of May, 2023 itself. Similarly, the physical standard and efficiency test of the Prison Guard Exam-2022 is being conducted from April 7, 2023 to May 47, 2023, the result of which has been decided to be declared in the month of June, 2023. The evaluation work of Uttarakhand Civil Services Main Examination-2022 is in progress. The evaluation work of answer sheets of Assistant Registrar Main Examination-2022 has been started. Action is being taken expeditiously to organize the Assistant Accountant Examination-2022 on May 07, 2023 and the result is proposed in the first week of June 2023. Giving advance wishes to the candidates, Dr. Kumar, Chairman of the Commission, has assured that the Commission will always give priority to their interests and the sanctity of the examination will be kept intact. Therefore, the candidates should prepare for the upcoming examinations with full dedication.