Puri: Now Jagannath darshan will cost money! The scheme of paying money for darshan of the has been restarted in the temple. The decision regarding this has been taken after several rounds of discussions with the sevayats. An SOP has been issued in this regard.
The final decision in this regard was taken after the finance sub-committee meeting. It is worth mentioning that in order to get a darshan of the kitchen of lord Jagannath, the rohini kunda, koili baikuntha, Gundicha temple and doing a sankalpa in the banks of Narendra pond, will be chargeable.
The Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) had a finance sub committee meeting yesterday in which all the above details were finalized. A tender shall be issued to the private parties for collection of money for the darshan of the holy places.
Conventional viewing times and ticket prices will be determined after consultation with various sevayats. To increase the income, the Srimandir administration has prepared a blueprint. This SOP will be applicable for exploitation free environment.
Donation box will be put in the temple of Maa Mahalakshmi in the premises of the temple. Donation box will be placed at four places inside the temple.
There will be TVs in the temple for darshan of lord Jagannath. On the other hand, it was discussed in the meeting that Rohdini Kund and Gundicha temple will be tendered for auction. Shrimandir chief administrator Ranjan Kumar Das informed about this.