Gariaband. Matador number CG 10 AT going from Devbhog towards Raipur hit the bike coming from the opposite direction. The collision was so tremendous that the elderly bike driver died on the spot. The name of the deceased is being told as Johan Balmiki. District Panchayat President Sanjay Netam, who was going in his vehicle behind Matador, stopped his vehicle immediately after the incident. Reached the spot of incident. The accident happened at around 12:30 near Pendra Road in front of Bajghati Mode on the National Highway. Sanjay Netam first called 108. The elders belonged to acquaintances, so their relatives were also informed. Due to the collision of the vehicle, there was a serious injury on the head. Sent had come out after coming out. The bones of the legs and arms were also broken. The person died on the spot.
Sanjay also informed the Mainpur police after calling 108. Mainpur police arrested the driver by creating a blockade. Also seized the vehicle. According to the police, the driver of the vehicle was in an inebriated state. Please inform that the deceased belongs to a poor family. Used to sell sweets by going to market and village to village. 8 members of the family were dependent on the old man’s business, but now the family is in trouble.