Business Business: India’s largest commercial vehicle company, Tata Motors, is exploring the possibility of launching a first-of-its-kind small commercial vehicle weighing under 600 kg, which will be positioned just below the Tata Ace as it sees opportunity in the last-mile connectivity space which is witnessing strong demand from e-commerce companies. Girish Wagh, the brain behind the market-shaking small commercial vehicle Tata Ace, which revolutionised last-mile deliveries in the Indian market since its launch in 2005, told Business Standard that, “Hub-to-hub transportation in e-commerce happens on 19-tonne medium commercial vehicles, and some even use 28-tonne vehicles, which is a three-axle truck. However, for the last mile, it is the smaller vehicle. Right now we are starting with a 600-kg vehicle (Tata Ace) to have connectivity to the last mile.”
There are some interesting possibilities
He further added, “Ace is a platform and product that we have started with a 600 kg payload. We will also explore possibilities below that. We are exploring what we can do, especially because of the growth of three-wheelers and especially electrification; there are some interesting possibilities in the space below Ace (sub-600 kg).” Wagh admitted that there is a ‘gap of need’ in the sector. “But we will not bring three-wheelers here – because four-wheelers are safer and it suits our brand as well.” Tata Motors did not share any timeline on when it will launch the new vehicle, which is still in the ‘planning and development’ stage. In 2005, Tata Motors pioneered the small commercial vehicle industry with the launch of Tata Ace, which revolutionised last-mile delivery in the Indian market. Since its launch, Tata Ace has become a partner to over 2.3 million entrepreneurs and is the largest commercial vehicle brand in the country.