Paris: A French court judge on Wednesday granted conditional bail to Telegram boss Pavel Durov. The bail conditions include depositing a bail amount of 5 million euros, reporting to the police twice a week. Along with this, he is also barred from leaving France. Pavel Durov was detained for a formal investigation under organized crime.
Paris prosecutor Laure Becque said in a statement that the judge believed there were sufficient grounds to begin an investigation into all the charges against Paul. Paul was arrested four days ago. He has been charged with involvement in running an online platform allowing illegal transactions, child sexual abuse images, drug trafficking, and fraud, refusal to provide information to authorities, money laundering and suspicion of providing cryptographic services to criminals.
Durov’s lawyer did not comment on this. In France, a formal investigation does not mean that the person is guilty or that the case will necessarily go to court, but it does mean that judges have found enough evidence to investigate the case further. Investigations into such cases can last several years before being sent to trial or closed.