Chandigarh. To get rid of the problem of jam in Pinjore, after the tireless efforts of Vijay Bansal Advocate, who was the President of Shivalik Vikas Manch and Chairman in the State Government, 7.70 km long Surajpur Sukhomajri Bypass was approved, for which now about 90 percent work has been completed by the construction company. has also been done.
In such a situation, due to lack of two railway underpasses on this bypass, the bypass could not be started, therefore, after taking technical opinion on 13 April 2022, Vijay Bansal had sent a legal notice to the Union Railway Minister, Union Transport Minister and DRM of Northern Railway, which Later, the Senior Deputy Engineer of Northern Railway had sent a letter to the Deputy Chief Engineer directing him to take appropriate action and on July 30, the Deputy Chief Engineer of Northern Railway had given approval. After sending the letter by Vijay Bansal, the Senior Deputy Engineer had told the Deputy Chief Engineer that the work could not be implemented due to the temporary managements and the concerned department not submitting the procedure, in such a situation a policy should be made to complete the work soon. It is necessary so appropriate action was directed. Now after Vijay Bansal raised the matter, action has been taken due to which there is a wave of happiness among the people.
Vijay Bansal said that the work of construction of two railway underpasses should be completed soon. Vijay Bansal inspected the spot where it came to light that one side underpass will be operational by the month of February-March, while the other underpass will be operational by the month of February. It may take up to 6 months. Vijay Bansal said that the construction work of this bypass should be completed very soon so that the common people can get convenience. Bansal told that there is always a jam situation in Pinjore, for which he and his colleagues had stopped the traffic in Pinjore in 2014 and started no entry of heavy vehicles in three timing systems, but for its permanent solution, the only solution is to start the bypass. For this, now the suggestions given are being implemented to complete the remaining work without any delay, which will benefit the people.
Bansal told that in 2007, HUDA department had acquired 232 acres of land for the bypass. Vijay Bansal had demanded that Surajpur Sukhomajri bypass should be constructed with NHI expenditure and toll plaza should not be installed on this bypass, Bansal’s demand was accepted. The bypass was constructed by NHI and a plan was made not to set up a toll plaza. To expedite the construction of this bypass, Vijay Bansal had filed PIL number 8226/2014 in the Punjab Haryana High Court on 30 April 2014, after which the court directed the government to Orders were given to start the construction by taking immediate action, whereas after that, on 22 September 2015, on the legal notice of Vijay Bansal, the Union Ministry of Transport and Highways took action and ordered the Chief Engineer of the Ministry to take immediate action.