Unwanted hair visible on the face reduces beauty as well as reduces attractiveness. To get rid of them, women go to the parlor and sometimes get waxing and sometimes shaving done. This treatment becomes very expensive in the parlor. If you want, you can get rid of unwanted hair by using some things at home. They will also be safer for your skin as compared to chemical products. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about those things by using which you can get rid of unwanted hair without any expense. Let us know about these measures
moong dal
Soak moong dal in water overnight. Grind it in the morning and make a paste. Take a raw potato and grate it so that you can extract its juice. Mix potato juice with lentils. Mix one teaspoon each of honey and lemon juice. You can apply it on your face and body. Apply it and leave it for 20 minutes. When it dries, rub gently with your fingers in circular motions. Then wash with plain water.
First of all, start by peeling the raw papaya and cutting it into small cubes. After this, put those cubes of papaya in a bowl and mash them with the help of a fork. Add 1 tbsp turmeric powder to the bowl. Make a fine paste by mixing the ingredients. Apply the mixture and massage it gently on the area where you want to remove hair. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. Apply this paste once or twice a week regularly for 2-3 months.
Gram flour
Prepare a paste by mixing 1/4 teaspoon ground alum and rose water with 1 teaspoon gram flour in a bowl. Keep in mind that the paste should neither be too thick nor too thin. Apply this paste daily on those parts of the face where you feel that there are unwanted hairs. If you cannot apply this paste daily due to lack of time, then apply it at least twice a week. To remove this paste from the face, after about 10 minutes, wet your hands and rub it well in circular motion on the face. After this wash your face with normal water.
Mix oats in egg white and apply on face. When it dries, take a little water in your hands and rub it in a circular motion with light hands. Then wash with water. Or in addition mix one egg white with 1 tbsp sugar and 1/2 tbsp cornflour, until it forms a sticky paste. Apply the mixture on the face. When it dries, peel it off with light hands. To get rid of unwanted hair, apply this face mask 3-4 times a week.
Take a ripe banana and mash it in a bowl. Add 2 tbsp oats to the bowl. Mix both the ingredients well and make a paste. Then apply a thick layer of the paste on the skin. Massage gently in circular motion for about 5-7 minutes. Then leave the mixture for another 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water and let it dry naturally. Along with removing unwanted facial hair, it also helps in bringing glow to the face.
wheat flour
Take 1 spoon of wheat flour and add half a spoon of licorice powder, 2 pinches of turmeric and a few drops of mustard oil to it. If you want, you can also use coconut or olive oil instead of mustard oil. Now add water little by little to it and prepare a thick paste. Now apply this paste on the face where there is hair. After the paste dries, rub it in the opposite direction.