Liver is a small organ, which is located directly below the rib cage. It is very important to digest our food. Liver helps to remove toxins from our body.
It takes care of you, but what do you do for it? How many times it happens that you do not even realize that your liver is getting damaged.
Did you know that your liver removes harmful substances in two steps? The first step is called liver detoxification. It uses liver enzymes and oxygen to burn toxins.
In a second step, it combines these partially processed toxins with amino acids to make them less harmful. In this way, it helps to remove these toxins from the body through bile and urine. If the liver is bad, then our body starts showing various symptoms. Hormonal health nutritionist Shikha Gupta explains liver damage signs and detox in her Instagram. Let us know in detail about liver detox from nutritionist Shikha Gupta.
Symptoms of Liver Clogged
Liver disease does not always show symptoms. If the liver is clogged, then many changes will start appearing in your body.
yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
abdominal pain and bloating
swollen feet and ankles
itchy skin
dark colored urine
pale stool color
very tired
nausea or vomiting
loss of appetite
lack of sleep
acid reflux or indigestion
sudden weight gain
daytime sleepiness
How to detox the liver with food-
If you reduce the intake of junk food along with alcohol and smoking and exercise daily, it can help to clean your liver. Apart from this, what else you should do, know-
- Do not consume foods with artificial preservatives-
First of all, exclude such foods from your diet, which are genetically modified. Don’t eat foods that are prepared with artificial foods like preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc. Try to adopt organic products as much as possible. - Consume these fruits for liver detox-
Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and mustard greens are good for the liver. They are a good source of fiber, which helps improve liver health. Apart from this, apples, beetroot, its leaves and organic animal proteins are very good for liver detox. - Use these herbs for liver detox-
Many herbs are good for liver health. These include dandelion root, turmeric, cilantro and milk thistle. Turmeric also aids in the production of bile, which supports the liver detoxification process and facilitates liver function. This prevents fat build-up in the body. - Consume things that boost glutathione-
Eat foods that increase glutathione (powerful antioxidant)- oranges, cauliflower, red peppers, kiwi, sunflower seeds, garlic, onions, brazil nuts, mustard greens are good. Glutathione is known to improve the levels of proteins, enzymes and bilirubin in the blood of individuals with chronic fatty liver disease. - Exercise continuously for liver detox
Regular exercise is good for a healthy liver. Exercise reduces stress on the liver, increases energy levels and helps prevent obesity – a risk factor for liver disease. Light exercises like yoga, tai chi help in relieving stress which also increase glutathione production. - Consume magnesium for liver detox
Omega 3, magnesium also helps to get rid of excess estrogen. Therefore, include wild salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, dark green leafy vegetables in your diet. Magnesium levels are linked to liver function, so eat magnesium-rich foods.
Your liver is one of the most important organs of the body. If the liver is damaged, then there can be a bad effect on the body. Therefore, to keep your liver healthy, take full care of liver detox and avoid eating too much junk.
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