Troubled by unwanted hair, remove them in these 8 ways

Every girl wants to look beautiful. What do we do to get glowing skin, from parlor to expensive beauty products are used. But unwanted hair on the face is like a stain on this beauty. Excess amount of unwanted hair reduces your beauty and attractiveness. That’s why most women get waxing, bleach and threading done to get clean and glowing skin. But the problems arising in these sometimes create hesitation. In such a situation, you can take the help of some such methods, using which you can get rid of unwanted body hair without harming the skin. After adopting these measures, you will say good bye to waxing. Let us know about these measures…
Using Eggs and Cornstarch
Egg white and cornstarch mask is one of the best home remedies to remove facial hair. Egg whites gently exfoliate the surface of the skin to remove dead skin cells and facial hair while cornstarch softens the skin. Mix cornstarch with egg white to make a mask. Apply an even layer of the paste on your skin and massage in circular motions. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes before washing it off. This remedy is suitable for all skin types and you can use it once a week for effective results.
use of papaya and turmeric
Papaya can also be used as a home remedy for facial hair removal. This compound is also used in many cosmetic products. At the same time, turmeric has antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant properties, which can be helpful in protecting the skin from many problems. Peel the raw papaya and cut it into small pieces. Now grind these pieces well and make a paste. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in this papaya paste. Now apply this mixture wherever there is hair on your face. After this massage for 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash it with water. You can apply this mixture once or twice a week for the remedy of hair removal on the face.
use of gram flour
Gram flour, easily available in every Indian kitchen, can be used not only for dishes but also for beauty. Gram flour can be used to remove unwanted hair. Prepare a pack by mixing a pinch of turmeric and water in gram flour. Apply it on the face or where you want to remove unwanted hair. With its regular use, unwanted hair can disappear completely in some time.
Use of mustard oil and gram flour
Mustard oil is great for removing unwanted black hair from body and face. Sugar cleans dead cells and also unwanted hair. Gram flour combined with sugar acts as a cleanser and scrubber. For this, take 4 spoons of gram flour in a bowl and mix 1 spoon of sugar in it. Put 2 spoons of mustard oil in it. Mix everything together. Don’t add too much sugar as it has scrubbing granules. Apply this pack on your face and massage it in an upward direction. Keep in mind, don’t rub too much. Keep it for 10 minutes and then wash off with cold water. This mixture can be applied twice a week.
use of sugar
According to the part of the face you want to remove hair, mix sugar and water and heat it on low heat until the sugar melts. Now let this sugar cool down so much that it is not frozen and you can apply it on the skin. Now add lemon juice to it and apply it on unwanted hair. Clean it by rubbing with light hands. Do this recipe only 2 to 3 times a week. The unwanted hair will gradually disappear completely.
use of honey and lemon
You can apply honey and lemon paste instead of waxing. That’s why you need 2 spoons of sugar, lemon juice and one spoon of honey. Mix these three things and heat them. If you want to dilute the mixture, add a little water. Now first apply a little corn starch on the hair, after that apply this mixture towards the hair and now with the help of waxing strip, pull the hair in the opposite direction. Honey works to moisturize the skin and is an effective remedy for dry skin.
use of oatmeal and banana
Oatmeal acts as a gentle body scrubber and banana helps to soften your skin. When you massage this mixture, it not only removes all the unwanted hair but also reduces further growth. To make this mixture, make a paste by mixing oatmeal with banana. Now apply this mixture on the required areas and massage gently in the opposite direction of your hair growth. Leave it like this for 20 minutes. Then wash with cold water and dry.
Use of gram flour and lentils
This boil has been used for centuries in the country and abroad. Masoor dal is an effective scrubbing agent, which exfoliates and thins facial and body hair. First grind 2 tbsp masoor dal. Add 2 spoons of gram flour to it. Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in it and make a paste. This mixture should not be thin. Apply it on the face and leave it for 30 minutes. Scrub it off when it dries. This has to be done at least 2-3 times a week. If you wish, a thick paste mixed with gram flour mixed with milk can also be used to remove unwanted hair.