Mungeli. City Kotwali police took action against gambling and betting in Mungeli district on Saturday. Police have arrested two bookies. Betting bars worth Rs 2 lakh and cash totaling Rs 42600 have been seized from the possession of both the accused and the accused have been sent to jail in judicial custody. Actually, the City Kotwali Police had received information about gambling and betting through informers. According to the information, the informer told that betting work is being done near Yash Paan Thela for a long time. On this, the police formed a team, investigated the case and raided it and seized Rs 35100 from the possession of the accused Naman Gupta who was playing betting. Second action: A raid was conducted at Ghuthera Road Daupara and Rs 7500 was seized from the possession of accused Iqbal Khan who was playing betting.
In this way, betting strips worth Rs 2 lakh and a total cash of Rs 42600 were recovered and seized from the possession of both the accused. Police say that they are in action mode to curb illegal activities. Actions will be taken by continuing this campaign. Gambling and betting are prevalent in Mungeli district. This is the reason why betting worth crores of rupees is played here every day. Despite this, no major police action is seen against bookies. In the name of action, the police takes action only against small bookies, whereas the police does not take action against big names and big moneylenders. After the formation of the present BJP government, CM Vishnudev has warned of action against the SPs and police station officers of the concerned districts if such illegal activities flourish in any district.